Sundays at Res Pres

If you have decided to visit, we look forward to meeting you! We’ve all visited a new church before too and know it can be intimidating. Here are some things to expect:

  • The preaching is from the Bible and focused on Christ. It teaches us how to live today in light of the eternal gospel truths revealed in Scripture. We believe God’s Word is living and active, and God uses it to shape us into who he wants us to be.

  • We sing new and classic songs that contain rich biblical truths and lift our hearts to God. Regardless of the song, we encourage congregational singing rather than passive listening. Saved people are singing people because the Lord has put a new song in our hearts!

  • We celebrate the Lord’s Supper near the end of every service. It is a shared meal for all Christians to be reminded of God’s sacrificial love in Christ and to be renewed by his Spirit.

  • We have a nursery available for children ages 0-4. If you prefer, your kids are welcome to join us in the worship service. We believe that kids, with all their restlessness and noise, are a vital part of our church and not a distraction!


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